Tuesday, July 14, 2009

C programming help with scanf?

by referring to the code below:

void digestline(void) {

scanf("%*[^\n]"); /* Skip to the End of the Line */

scanf("%*1[\n]"); /* Skip One Newline */


can anyone explain what the [\n] parts are? I couldn't find any documentation online referring to such a format.

(I found this code on http://vergil.chemistry.gatech.edu/resou... )

C programming help with scanf?
y not dear

% hope u know it so i m not explaining it

* to read all chars from the input (keyboard iostream / io buffer)

[] what is contained in it is an regular expression

^ tells not

\n a new line char

so the first scanf will skips all characters until the newline char is found...

where as the second scanf function allows u to only read new line char only and only once ie. while storing to any char array u also stores there a new line char but in case of first u didnt i.e. u discarded the storage if a new line char occurs....

but i let u know to which variable the values are going is missing.................

anyway rank my answer which encourage me to answer more

Reply:The asterisk means the read value will not be stored in any variable, and the [^\n] just means read an entire line. %*[^\n] will accept any character except \n.

This is cheating by using regular expressions. Its not really standard C.

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